summer season figure- Seasons of Punjab- Summer months- Seasons, climate and goods- Beast condition- Rain demand- conditions- Summary. Seasons of Punjab- Punjab is a land of various seasons. The rainfall shows numerous colors in it. It has extreme layoffs and extreme summers as well. Summer without rain, afterlife and spring are other popular seasons then. Summer months- The summer season begins with the end of the spring field. In Punjab, Jeth- Haar i.e. May- June are considered as summer months. Extreme heat is endured in these areas in Punjab. The sun reaches the top in the sky and rains fire. pertaining to the heat of Jeth, the notorious Punjabi minstrel Dhani Ram Chatrik writes At the top of the autumn of Jeth, the embers started to rain. Loan Dao Froliya, taken through Khalar. As iron heats the earth, the sky becomes empty. creatures throw out their speeches, catcalls go wild. In fact, the first act of the summer season starts from Visakha i.e.mid-April. It reaches its peak in May- June. Sunshine, heat, wind and rain are its characters. In July- August, the heat starts dwindling due to rain. It ends in September. Season, rainfall and influence- During these days, the days are long and the nights are short. During the day, the earth absorbs the heat of the scorching sun, but because the night is short, it emits lower heat, due to which the heat accumulates and heats up outside and outdoors. In June, the summer temperature occasionally reaches 48 ° Celsius. People have to resort to the cool shade of trees, suckers, coolers and air conditioners. It's veritably delicate to go out in the sun. Covering the head with a turban, robe or chapeau or taking an marquee gives some peace. Thirst isn't quenched by drinking water. People drink cold water from pot, cooler or fridge. numerous people also use sarbat shakanjavi, lassi, sattu or shardai. piecemeal from this, to avoid the heat, Coca Cola, Pepsi or other soda pop bottles are drunk and ice cream and kulfis are eaten. Water is sprinkled to keep the yard and apartments cool. Bathing is done with cold water two or three times a day. The condition of creatures- In these days, the condition of creatures and catcalls is also bad. Their speeches are sticking out due to heat. Sparrows hide in the roofs or in the leaves of trees. Demand for rain- People fed up with the summer season are asking for rain. nearly on the day God Indra has mercy, people are veritably happy. It'll be warm with the rain It decreases, but cataracts of sweat launch flowing from the body. Illness numerous people die of stroke due to the direct shafts of the sun during the summer season. numerous also come victims of headaches and eye conditions. Summary- We must take some measures to avoid heat. interspersed bomb water is more useful in this season. We should also flash back that the heat of the sun is a boon for the brutes and shops of the earth. Without it, the actuality of life on earth isn't possible.